What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it Riddle : Answer logically solved

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How delicate is it, that talking about it could break the Riddle It is delicate that talking about it damages it. Riddle has been taking a rollercoaster ride across social media platforms for weeks to provide us with the daily dose of what is so delicate that talking about it could break it Riddle is trending right now across different social media platforms such as Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook. What is so delicate that talking about it will break it Riddle? Check out the video below.

COVID-19 Lockdown is just so boring! We can lift your spirits!!

The world is on complete or complete lockdown as of now due to the continuing pandemic, we’ve been spending more time in our homes than we’re used to. Some time back, WHO issued a statement that outlined the steps to be taken to stop the spreading of the virus. We were told to make staying at home a routine and to leave the home to work only if needed. In the years since, we’ve attempted to adjust to our new, rather bizarre lifestyles. Streaming services have proved to be an extremely popular way to entertain but for those who want an engaging method of entertainment, try riddles. Find out what can be so delicate, that mention of it can break it ” for sharpening your mind.

Let’s look at  “What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it Riddle” offers.

Riddles need not be so difficult. A bit of Logical thinking and voila! You’ve got the answer

What is so fragile that mentioning it can break it? Riddle is a basic inquiry and can be summarized as follows:

 What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it ?”

Do you have any guesses? There is a limitless variety of possibilities for this question, but the real answer is obvious.

What’s the best answer? what’s so delicate even the mere mention of it can break the Riddle?

Take your time before scrolling down to find the answer. What can this possibly mean?

Try Again.

It’s crucial to think outside the box.

Still not sure? Well, no sweat. Since the solution is amazing! The answer is right down below!

The answer to the riddle lies in the word” number.” Silence

Bravo! Good Job


Answer to the Question that Is so delicate, that talking about it could break it is silence.

Say silence and you’ll break it. Do it yourself. Good Day!

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What is so delicate that mention it will break the Riddle – FAQs

1. What can one eye see that can’t see?

The answer to the question is a needle. Have you ever had a look at needles? It has a hole that can allow the thread to pass through it. It is what we refer to as the “eye of a needle. A needle cannot see with this eye.

2. What is it that has a lot of needles but does not sew?

The answer to the puzzle is that it is a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree, which is usually decorated on Christmas, is filled with needles that could cause harm. These needles can’t be sewn because they’re not made of any mettle-like substance They consist of spikes that are part of the tree.

3. I wash my hair every single day, but my beard remains the same. What am I?

The answer to the question is barbers. Barbers cut their beards every day but his beard remains the same. Why? because he cuts the beards of his clients.

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